Engage with Us

Want to make a positive impact on the environment but cannot figure out how? Join Us

If you are a Corporate

Increasingly, investors, customers, and governments are asking companies how their activities uplift lives and improve the world.
Social investment through charity partnerships is one way that businesses are answering those questions while also improving their bottom line.

Reach out to us if you’re looking for a charity partner.

If you are a policy maker

MEF works with leading policy-makers across India. With its strong research-based projects and on-ground execution capabilities, policy-makers gain valuable insights into on-ground situations.

Working with us and our diverse network helps policymakers arrive at a well-rounded conclusions backed by research and hence will lead to efficient policies for the citizens.

If you are a part of a school or in the academia

Let’s create research ideas together. It is time to expand the area of overlap in the Venn diagram between academia and NGOs.
Looking to forge a mutually beneficial partnership with MEF?

Reach out to us if you’re looking to partner with us for a project that aligns with our mandate.

If you are a student

Passionate about environmental change? You’ll flourish in MEF. In the field of environmental management and sustainability, the opportunities for multidisciplinary research and collaboration are endless. MEF is at centerstage of emvironemntal management.  

‘If you love science and collecting and analyzing data, you can find work as an environmental scientist. If you love working with people, you can work in roles where the focus is on environmental education and community action. If you want to change the way in which we use or impact our environment, you can work in environmental policy and decision-making.

Volunteer with Us

Looking to volunteer?

We believe in the importance of the issues we choose to work on and in the strength of our client partnerships. Our goal is to improve society by designing and implementing campaigns that achieve high levels of community education, self-efficacy and beneficial behavior change.

Our Community

The issues we face on the planet cannot be solved in individual silos. Our team invites you to join
Massive Earth Foundation, a community of professionals dedicated to sustainable solutions.

Contact Us

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