Massive’s central thesis is that climate change is primarily an engineering error. The technology built in the past was not burdened to meet environmental constraints. Thus, they emitted tons of carbon, relied on excessive energy usage, and destroyed the planet in the process.
Now to move forward, without sacrificing development goals, we must build technology that’s not only scalable but also sustainable. Thus, we need vehicles that don’t cause emissions, ACs that don’t drink energy, fertilizers that do not destroy the soil & so on.
When looked through the lens of innovation climate change doesn’t remain a fundamental survival problem, but turns into an opportunity creating massive scope for Investments, Innovation, Employment, and Worldwide Transformation.
To achieve the same, MEF is building a climate startup ecosystem by bringing VCs, investors, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and experts into a single platform. It’s a quest to imagine & rebuild the planet with the power of innovation.
MEF Accelerators Incubators, & Challenges