Massive Earth Fellowship

the 3 pillars of fellowship



Who is it for
Many of us are concerned about climate change and wish to do something about it. But the field can be confusing as we may not know where to begin the journey and which path to follow.
The world of climate is often riddled with strangely familiar terms like CCUS, CSRs, and others making us unsure of what to learn and what to abandon. To solve the gap between hopeful intentions and practical action, Massive Earth Fellowship unites members from all walks of life into a harmonious community where each can benefit from the other.
Whether you are a startup looking for investor, or an investor diversifying your portfolio, this fellowship is for you.
Ultimately, it is for everyone who’s interested to work for climate change and needs a starting platform.

what will you get?
Climate events

Climate portal
Access to the exclusive online portal featuring a vibrant climate community. Build your profile, connect with others, participate in discussions, build ideas, launch a new projects, and look for jobs, all from one-of-a-kind Massive Climate Portal.

virtual events
Webinars, Workshops, Climate 101s, Founder Chat, Lectures on Climate Sectors, Investor Chat, Climate Stories,
and much more.

Accelerator & Incubators
Early access to Incubators, accelerators, grants, funds, demo days, investment pitches, and co-working opportunities, and job portal.

Massive Media
Podcasts, Journals, E-Books, Magazines, Films, etc for marketing, to spread awareness, voice concerns, and share insights. Members can participate and create media related to the climate industry.

Climate education
Massive Earth Foundation

Local projects

Cultural Events
Massive Earth Foundation

Climate portal

Climate events

Events like Summits, Seminars, Workshops, & Climate Mixers will help members get acquainted with the industry, make important connections, find job opportunities, & know the latest trends.
virtual events

Webinars, Workshops, Climate 101s, Founder Chat, Lectures on Climate Sectors, Investor Chat, Climate Stories, and much more.

Early access to Incubators, accelerators, grants, funds, demo days, investment pitches, and co-working opportunities, and job portal.
massive media

Podcasts, Journals, E-Books, Magazines, Films, etc for marketing, to spread awareness, voice concerns, and share insights. Members can participate and create media related to the climate industry.
climate education

Study groups, resources, courses, reports
local projects

Plant a Tree, Save Feral Animals, Clean Your Society, etc. Projects launched on a local level to trigger inclusive climate action that is easy to execute and achieve.
cultural events

Film Screenings, Poetry Recitals, Music Night, and other cultural events around climate.
recent and upcoming events
A grand coalition between private sector, government, & innovators.LOW CARBON EARTH
A grand coalition between private sector, government, & innovators.CLIMATE WORKSHOP
A grand coalition between private sector, government, & innovators.what will you get?
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related to climate.