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Positive & Negative Effect of Climate Anxiety

The Evolution of Climate Tech in Transportation: From Feet to Electric Vehicles (EV)

Climate Tech: The Much-Needed Successor to the Industrial Revolution

Here’s A List Of Top 10 Livable Cities In The World
A list of top 10 livable cities in the world based on a report published by the Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU).

What Is ESG & Why Is It Important ?
What is ESG? ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It is an investing principle

Famous Poem On Nature By Henry David Thoreau – Explained
A deeply meditative reflection on Nature by Henry David Thoreau. Read the poem and exciting creative interpretation.

How Humans Cause Climate Change: The Story of Carbon Cycle
Introduction Our planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old. It is one of the most

Climate Change Glossary – A Dictionary of Terminologies
A glossary/dictionary of terms to get acquainted with key ideas & concepts related to climate change.

Clean Tech Can Tackle Climate Change – But Not Without Investments
What is Clean Tech? Clean tech refers to any product, service, or process designed to

What Is LowCarbon.Earth 2024?
A brief overlay of the LowCarbon.Earth accelerator for climate tech startups launched by Massive Earth Foundation and United Nations Environment Programne

Activities To Connect With Nature
Nature has the beauty and power to impact our mental health and improve our well being. It is naturally meditative & creative, and helps us reconnect with our inner being. Discover ways to connect with nature and plan your next fun activities.

Climate Change and Developmental Challenges
How do developmental challenges intersect with the current climate crisis. What is climate justice, global disparities, and sustainable progress? Read to know.

7 Surprising Benefits of Walking
Discover benefits of walking! From boosting creativity & health to reducing emissions & connecting with nature—take a step toward a healthier you and planet.

How Heat Island Effect Is Burning a Hole In Your Pocket?
Heat Island Effect is the phenomenon where urban cities are hotter than nearby rural areas. This leads to increased use of air-conditioners leading to high electricity bills and energy consumption…

Memorable Quotes & Poetry On Nature, Beauty, & Simplicity Of Life – Reconnect With Nature
A list of a few memorable and endearing poetry from the most famous poets of all time. Featuring poems from Wordsworth, Blake, Matsuo Basho, Veda, and others.

Are EVs Cleaner, Greener, & Comfortable than ICE & CNG ? 2025 Outlook
A look at a few clean features in EVs like quieter engines, cyber designs, gadgets, EV charging and the impact on the environment with lower carbon emissions.

Stunning Innovations in Agriculture: AgriTech & Smart Farming
AgriTech couples the latest innovations from technology with agriculture to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, and a wide range of tools into everyday farming activities. By enhancing…

Is Hyper Consumerism Destroying The Planet? 12 Examples From Daily Life
Hyper consumerism often leads to increased anxiety and dissatisfaction, as individuals are caught in a perpetual cycle of wanting more yet never feeling “enough.” The constant pursuit of material goods as a source of happiness creates a fleeting sense of fulfillment, quickly replaced by a void that prompts…

Clean Tech 1.0 vs Climate Tech 2.0 – Why Climate Tech Is Better Investment Opportunity ?
The Clean Tech 1.0 boom during 2008-2015 may have failed but Climate Tech 2.0 opens avenues for investors and venture capitalist to re-enter the sector with brighter scope for future.